TANDEM  Diversity



1993 - Cycle Oregon Double Century Weekend: This weekend tour we rode on our first (and at that time pretty new) Counterpoint OPUS III. These two days were our introduction as a couple to back-to-back long rides on the tandem.

Days riding: 2.

Distance ridden: 200.8 miles.

Elevation gained: 2940'.

1993 - Cycle Oregon: This tour I rode as a member of a team that took a disabled rider on a specially equipped Counterpoint OPUS. Here's the team, riding into the finish in Oregon City. The tour was a week along the Oregon Trail from Baker City to Oregon City. I learned quite a lot about myself that week.

Days riding: 7.

Distance ridden: 418.4 miles.

Elevation gained: ?

​I did not record elevation for this tour.

​1993 Tours